The Stories of Leslie Schmidt


Subic Bay Memories

--Leslie Schmidt

NOTE: I have been asked to explain some of the naval terms used in this story. A glossary of sorts is at the end of the story.


Damn, it was the third time at Subic in this fucking deployment-I was beginning to feel like the lucky cock suckers who were stationed here. So, the USS Broke (the USS Brooke, FFG-1) was back because of a fucked up condenser. It looked like it'd be a long stay, half the tubes leaked. The yardbirds were swarming around engineering, the snipes weren't going to get a whole lot of liberty. My first priority after we put lines across was a shower. The rain lockers had been secured for a week. No more fucking plane guard, chasing the Connie around the West Pac, we'd leave that to one of the Spru-cans or the new Fig-7 out of Long Beach.

Summer's Place isn't one of the most popular bars in Olongapo, a small place on the Shit River end of Rusal. Go out the gate and across the bridge, throw some dimes and watch the little boys swim for 'em. Make a left at the end of the bridge (I forget the streets name) and watch your back for a long block to Rusal. Turn right before entering the barrio, half a block down on the left is Summer's.

The Chief had let me and my guys off right at liberty call, we had really shined up the 5' 38, cleaned up the hydraulic fluid, the bastard could even see his bald spot in the mag sprinkler piping. Anyway, he wanted to get off and get fucked too. He couldn't go unless at least some of us gunners were on liberty too. So it was us and the ASROC gang. The fuckhead GMM's weren't so lucky. The Mk 22, as usual, was fucked up and the old man was still pissed at them for us getting kicked of the missile range a few months back.

"Hey, Gunner Joey, I heard you coming back." It was the Mamma-san, Audrey.

"Yup. Snipes can't keep their gear up," I said as I took the icy San Miguel. Before saying anything more I chugged the formaldehyde smelling goat piss that passes for beer in the Philippians. It was 1500 when the old man had put down Cinderella liberty, I had nine hours to get fucked up and get fucked. Word had it the Captain had a LBFM (Little Brown Fucking Machine) of his own in town. He was just as anxious to get his pole greased as any of us.

Instantly, Leah and Mary appeared on either arm. "Joey, how ya doin?" (Leah) "Oh, me lover boy back!" (Mary as she put her chin on my shoulder). "Fuck I love this place." (Me as the first beer burp built in my gut).

I snaked my free arm around Leah's thin waist as she leaned up against me. Mary's hand passed across my stomach to my side. After eight weeks straight underway chasing Ivan around the Pacific, it felt great to feel some soft skin.

About now Jiz, our TM1 walked in with his newbie, a TMSN just out of A school and on his first real liberty (he had been flown out from the Constellation a week earlier). We had assured the kid that liberty in Subic was nothing like Treasure Island. San Francisco is good liberty, but still.... At any rate, we figured he'd get his cherry popped a couple of times tonight. Still, we had to look after the kid, keep him somewhat out of trouble.

Well, my story's getting sidetracked. Suffice it to say that we all had a big laugh as we watched Baby- Jiz arching his back and convulsing during a game of smiles* as he emptied his virgin seed into Leah's mouth. Later she'd fuck him right, with a bunch of us watching as she jumped up and down on top of him. Then a San Miguel toast to wash off his cock from the lot of us as he lay there, half passed out. Me and TM1 carried him back to the ship that night and left him sleeping on the helo deck-that way the POOW could double as a drunk watch and make sure he didn't choke on his own puke (the BM1 was pissed in the morning and made him swab up his chunks before breakfast).

*Smiles is a game where a bunch of guys sit around a table with their dicks hanging out and a girl under the table. The guy who smiles has to buy the next round.

Now, a little more background about me and Audrey: In 15 years in the Nav, I had been to Subic many times. In fact, I lived for Subic. Because the fucking detailer would never give me orders there, I just kept going from ship to ship-as long as it was West Pac bound. I had met Audrey when I was a Third Class, paid her bar fine out of some club on Magsaysay and had kept in touch with her ever since. She had married a retired Senior Chief Radioman who fronted the money to buy Summer's. Jim was around some, but mainly spent his time fishing and playing golf and left the running of the place to her. So, she kept 4 or so girls employed (up to 15 if the whole fucking battlegroup pulled in) and generally ran a clean and calm place. Don Lee, a big Samoan, kept the rif-raf out. He was friends with the base Shore Patrol and, if you fucked up around there, he'd make sure they took you to medical for stitches after he finished with a rather nasty looking flaying knife he kept in his belt.

Well, the bunch of us were coming down the stairs from the balcony after just watching Baby-Jiz get his first real fuck. Leah's a pro. In a game of Paso's she could take a couple dozen up her cunt, then give you exact change. That's when Audrey waved me over.

"Joey, you don't like any of my girls tonight?"

I turned around and surveyed the room. "Well, Audrey, you know what I like. You've only got your normal crew on tonight."

"Yeah, I know, Joey boy. You one of my best customers."

"Have anyone new?" I turned back to her.

"Well," she paused, "I go see." She winked as she came out from behind the bar. Don Lee left the door and took her place.

"So, Don, fucked up any Marines lately?"

"No, it been kinda slow."

I let the conversation drop and watched the crowd. There were probably 8 guys in the place. Baby-Jiz had made it back down stairs and was hanging on Leah. Stupid shit didn't realize he was making an ass of himself. Audrey appeared at my arm.

"Joey, you come upstairs, I have special surprise for you."

"How much is this going to cost me?" I asked. Audrey was a good businesswoman.

"You just get ship's party here." (She knew I chaired the MWR committee)

"I'll see what I can do...." She led me up the stairs.

We went down a hallway lit with bare bulbs to a heavy mahogany door at the end. I knew this led into her place on the back of the bar, not one of the girl's bedrooms. I had been back there a couple of times with her and her husband, nice dinners- that's all.

She opened the door with two keys and we went into the living room. Overstuffed leather furniture and white shag rug. A white marble bar on one side, the dining room to the other. We went across the room and into a different hall. She opened a door. "I have very special surprise for you." We were met by high giggles.

Suddenly my hands were grasped by two little girls who started pulling me in. "What, you want me to baby-sit?"

With a laugh Audrey said, "No, they baby-sit you."

She said something in Tagalog to the girls and they giggled more, then closed the door.

I never did learn these two girls names, I just call them Yang and Yin.

Yang was about seven, maybe eight. She had a wide face and a small nose. Her hair fell down to the small of her back. Yin was younger, maybe six. She had short hair with a wave and more western features, as well as lighter skin. Obviously daddy was a sailor somewhere while Yang was native.

They pulled me across the room, turned me around, then sat me down on a bed. Instantly, Yang hopped on my lap, facing me with her knees on either side of my hips. Her arms were around my neck and she drove her little tongue between my lips. What could I do but reciprocate? Now, I like them young, the last time I had been in Subic I had been a 14 year olds first customer, but this was new to me. I put my arms around the shoulders and back of the little one as she ran one of her hands up the back of my neck and into my hair. Fuck, I was lost!

Then I felt a little hand pulling at one of mine. I let it take me, it pulled me away from Yang's back and down, then it guided me up and I felt the hem of the shift Yin had on. Next I felt the warm inside of her thigh, then the soft stop at the top, nestling my finger against the smooth slit. On instinct I rotated my hand slightly and pushed my finger into the warm moistness between the two little lips. Yin pushed down a bit, putting more weight on my hand and pushing my finger a little deeper into her tiny puss. Next I felt her little fingers pushing against mine and, by their urging, I pushed my finger up inside the little girl, two knuckles deep inside the six year old. There was a little sigh, then I felt her moving as she pulled her shift off over her head.

I broke the kiss and looked over Yang's shoulder. Yin was just a little bit chubby, tiny pink nipples. I couldn't see her puss because of my hand buried in it. Yang turned her head and saw her partner. She said something and they both started giggling, I could feel the cunt squeezing my finger as the girl laughed. Yin again had a hold of my hand and wasn't letting it go as she humped along it.

Somehow, Yang managed to squirm off my lap, then pulled her t-shirt off. Next she lost her shorts and panties. She is long and thin, dark nipples on olive skin, a long thin pussy slit below a small oval navel. Skinny legs.

She came toward me now, pushing me back and down. Yin kept my finger in her pussy, humping harder against it and I felt Yang start to work on my fly. Real soon, Mr. Happy was free and standing at attention. The older one wrapped her lips around the head, rubbing her tongue back and forth across the glans. Now Yin pulled me out of her and, the next I knew, the naked six year old was sitting across my face, grinding her bald pussy into my face. My tongue found its way into her slit as she pushed painfully hard down against me, her hands on my forehead.

The other one released my cock and started pulling on my pants. She said something and the little one lifted off my face, pivoting around on her knee, sticking her ass in the air. Her clam was a little pink peaking out from her thighs. I lifted my hips and they worked my pants down to my knees. Then they both jumped off the bed and started working on my shoes, Yin on the right, Yang on the left. My sneekers were soon lost and my pants pulled down and off. It was during this treatment that I sat up and pulled my shirt over my head, then drained the last of the San Mago. I lay back down.

Each girl took a leg, wrapped their arms around it, and started moving up and down, rubbing their chests against my thighs and grinding their pussies against my ankles. The site of their two little faces, looking like a couple of kittens, moving back and forth was astonishing. Then one of them lowered her mouth to my thigh and started running her tongue along the inside as she moved up and down. The other followed suit, licking my loins, each advance a little farther than the last.

Yang was the first to reach my balls, insinuating her tongue between my left nut and my thigh. This was soon followed my Yin on the right, the girls hot breath washed over my nuts and cock. Yin continued up, licking the underside of my cock, then running her tongue along the little crack below my piss hole. She climbed up and took the bulb into her tiny mouth. At this point, I had to start to concentrate, thinking about the questions I might run into on the Chief's test next week.

A couple of words passed between them and then things shifted. With Yang holding my cock out straight, Yin climbed up and straddled my hips. Next she lifted up and nestled my dick head against her pussy. Moving side to side, she worked the lips apart but, even bearing down, my dick just wouldn't go in. I guess I was just too big for the little one and, when she'd really try, it must have hurt her too much.

After a couple of tries, she gave up and now Yang took the position. First, she sucked on me a bit, then left a big glob of spit on the end. The older girl could take just the head into her preteen pus. I was in heaven as she lifted up, then sank down, moving my cock in and out of her tiny pussy. But, again, I think the stretching hurt the little one because she soon got up.

Thinking back on it now, I kind of wish I hadn't been so plastered that night. I think I would remember it better and I also would have not been quite so passive. Now I wish I had lay the little ones out on their backs as I rubbed my cock along their pussies, maybe working a little better inside the hairless little clams. But, as it was, I just lay back and watched as the two of them, one on each side, licked up and down my shaft, taking turns at the top. It wasn't long before I was ready to blow, and they knew it. They worked faster, running their lips up and down the side, each of my nuts nestled in a little hand. I started to hump and shudder and they got down to the short strokes. My slime spewed on the sides of the two little faces, some in their hair. Yin got a big glob up her nose while, after we were done, I noticed Yang wipe her ear. Yin got to the head first and took a lot of my cum into her mouth, then Yang pushed her aside and sucked the remainder out of me.

I lay on my back, sandwiched between the two little dolls while they giggled and played with my deflated schlong. When I noticed it was 2300, I disentangled myself from the two, now sleeping, nymphs, and made my way back down stairs. TM1 and I collected the now thoroughly corrupted Baby- Jiz and headed back to the ship.


USS Brooke FFG-1-Commissioned March 12, 1966. Decommissioned September 16, 1988. Originally designated DEG, she was the first of a new class of US Navy ship known as a "Guided Missile Frigate."

The Brooke Class FFG was a modification of the Garcia Class Frigate where the aft gun was replaced with a MK 25 missile launcher, making it a much more capable war fighter. Unfortunately, both classes of ship were handicapped with an unreliable engineering plant, thus the nickname "USS Broke."

Condenser-One of the primary parts of a steam ship's engineering plant, it condenses purified water from steam back to water for reuse in the boilers. The simplest explanation is that it's a box that contains tubes which have (cooler) sea water circulated through. The steam condenses back to water on the outside of the tubes. Needless to say, if they leak, salt water can get into the boiler and steam turbines, causing corrosion-this is a bad thing.

Yardbirds-Navy slang for a civilian worker in a shipyard. The workers at the Subic Bay Naval Shipyard were known for the exceptionally high quality of their work but there were usually many more workers assigned to a job than it usually required.

Snipes-Navy slang for sailors who works in the engineering spaces of a ship.

Rain locker-a shower. On a steam ship the engines get the fresh water first, what is left over is for the crew. If there's a problem which causes steam leaks, the crew has restricted water.

Plane Guard-Usually a "small boy" or a small ship (like a frigate) is assigned to follow an aircraft carrier around to pick up pilots who crash on take off or landing or flight deck crew who fall (or get blown by jet exhaust) overboard. This was usually considered a waste of the war fighting capability of a ship and its crew who'd much rather be out hunting Russian subs. Also, operating in close quarters with the much larger carrier is dangerous (many collisions have occurred, imagine a VW bug being hit by an 18 wheeler) and the crews of the carriers are notorious for NOT telling the plane guard what their next maneuver will be.

Connie-USS Constellation CV-64. One of the Forrestal Class attack carriers. The largest non-nuclear war ships ever built. Currently (2006) the USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 is the only remaining ship of this class. In her time, the Connie was considered by many to be the most powerful and impressive ship in the US Fleet.

Spru-Can-a Spruance Class Destroyer.

Fig-7--Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) class Guided Missile Frigate. There were 6 Brooke FFGs. Thus, the first Perry Class frigate was number 7. The last Perry Class frigate is the USS Ingraham (FFG-61). These ships, after overcoming some teething pains, have become highly respected members of the US fleet and have been adopted by a number of foreign navies.

Shit River-The Subic Bay Naval Station was separated from the city of Olongapo by a small river which served as the sewage disposal system for Olongapo. It was known by sailors as "Shit River." When leaving the base, one had to walk across Shit River. There were boys waiting below on the banks who would swim for money thrown in the river. The Navy put up a fence to stop this practice in the late 1970's.

Rusal (Ruzal)-one of three streets which had the majority of clubs frequented by sailors.

Chief-US Navy Chief Petty Officer (E-7). Senior enlisted rank, in the Navy, Chiefs have many of the privileges and wear the same uniforms as Junior Officers.

Old Man-Navy slang for the Commanding Officer (god, small 'g'). If he's pissed at you, you're fucked. If a ship didn't have its gear up during a practice missile shoot, the Range Safety Officer will order the ship to leave the range. Too many of these incidents can end a CO's career.

Mag Sprinkler-Installed fire fighting system in ammunition storage spaces.

5'38-5 inch, 38 caliber cannon. The Brooke carried one forward.

GMM-Gunner's Mate Missiles. Gunner's Mates came in two flavors, one for gun systems (GMG) and one for missile systems (GMM).

TM-Torpedoman's Mate. Topedomen maintain torpedoes and torpedo handling systems. Most common on submarines, a few are assigned to surface ships which carry torpedoes.

TM1-First Class Torpedoman (E-6)

TMSN-Torpedoman Seaman (E-3)

"A" School-Technical school usually attended following Basic Training.

Cinderella Liberty-Every member of the crew must be back to the ship by midnight. This is done to assure that everyone is accounted for in possibly dangerous port areas and to insure that everyone has had a few hours to sober up before going to work in the morning. Sailors who are late returning will have their liberty restricted.

ASROC-Anti-Submarine Rocket: A rocket launched torpedo which provided extended range. The early frigates used small helicopters to locate submarines using dipping sonar and dropped sonar buoys. Upon finding a bad guy, they would launch an ASROC from the ship while not approaching the sub. The airborne range is classified but it was well over the horizon. When the rocket motor ran out (somewhere near Ivan's sub) the torpedo would fall into the water and start an active sonar search. Ideally, the first the bad guys would know is when they heard the splash above them.

West Pac-Western Pacific Ocean and the slang name for a cruise to those waters.

